Kobi Shabtai

Fake News
Israel Police Clarifies: The Commissioner is not Calling You in for Interrogation

Many citizens report receiving a summons for investigation from Commissioner Shabtai, the police inform that it is fake news and that the content of the message should be ignored and the sender blocked.

JFeed Staff | 03.01.24

"Zero Tolerance"

Commissioner: "There is a Limit to Incitement, We will Show Zero Tolerance"

| JFeed | 24.10.23


Israel at War: Security Response Teams Also Forming in Cities

JFeed | 16.10.23

The Commissioner Requests

Commissioner: "Avoid spreading false information"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 07.10.23

The Number of Protestors

The commissioner estimates: this is the number of protestors who participated in the demonstrations

JFeed | 04.09.23

"Zero Tolerance"

The policeman's injury: "We will behave with zero tolerance towards lawbreakers"

JFeed | 31.08.23

Shabtai and Ben Gvir Speak

Ben Gvir answers the Commissioner: "That's how it is in a democracy"

JFeed | 16.08.23

An Increase in the Number of Police Officers

Change of direction in the police: Increase in the number of officers

JFeed | 10.08.23